Diamondback Kid, UK Hip Hop Producer and multi genre rapper virtuoso

DiamondBack Kid - UK Hip Hop and EDM producer and the brains behind the South Coast Ghosts and N.O.M.A.D

DiamondBack Kid, the moniker under which Dan Bierton operates, continues to shape the hip-hop landscape with his totally unique blend of lyricism and production wizardry. He navigates the realms of solo expression and collaborative innovation with projects like N.O.M.A.D and South Coast Ghosts, the sonic journey of DiamondBack Kid promises to be a compelling and ever-evolving experience. His projects range from those mentioned above to production albums fro the likes of Sony and Sky TV. Stay tuned as this maestro continues to carve his legacy in the vibrant world of hip-hop.

What others are saying about Diamondback Kid:

"Overall 'Action Reaction' is a truly great EP although not your average electro/bass release (and that's good, very good!). Variety, that's the key word and 'Action Reaction' is a real winner in this field." -Chaindlk.com

Find DBK Merch Here

Check out N.O.M.A.D, a project of DBK right here!


Uncover the unique sound and cultural influence that Diamondback Kid brings to the UK hip-hop landscape. His music encapsulates the essence of the genre, fusing gritty urban narratives with eclectic beats, from hsi background in EDM that reflect the vibrant tapestry of the UK's hip-hop scene.

Step into the rhythmic world of Diamondback Kid and witness the evolution of UK hip-hop through his lens. This page serves as your guide to the artist's journey, ensuring that when you search for UK hip-hop excellence, you discover the lyrical prowess and genre-defining contributions of Diamondback Kid. Immerse yourself in the sounds that shape the narrative of UK hip-hop, and embrace the artistry of a trailblazer who continues to redefine the genre.

Go stream his other projects, the South Coast Ghosts and N.O.M.A.D now!