Fallen Gabriel.Phase B Records.Brazil

Fallen Gabriel - Black Metal from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Fallen Gabriel is an Atmospheric Black Metal band formed in 2021 in Rio de Janeiro/RJ. With immersive sound, the band is known for its intense compositions that explore themes of melancholy, darkness, and transcendence.

With a new remastered first album and a second in the making, Fallen Gabriel are one to watch!

Find all their social links and hit 'em up below!

Only here on Phase B Records.

Artworks, Fonts and Logos, custom designed for you by - Fallen Gabriel - Art Ov Abyss

Not only does Gabriel make music, he's also a prolific artist, lending his design skills to many others though his online store - Art Ov Abyss.

If you're looking for totally original dark cover art, fonts of logos and would like to work with him, you can contact him and see more of his artworks here:

Find Art Ov Abyss here -
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